The Queen & Collection Playlist No.1

The Queen & Collection Playlist No.1

Music is a great part of our lives here at the Queen & Collection team.

Since we started making our ideas happen, we realized that we are the lucky ones, and only lucky ones have an opportunity to join work and have fun together. We’ve decided to share with you one of our daily music playlists. Beware, t is not just an ordinary playlist. 

We present you with the music following us throughout our working days.

“You work all week long,
You work your fingers to the bone
Friday’s at an end,
I can’t wait for Saturday to begin!”

It’s Oliver Cheatham with his Get Down Saturday Night, and believe it or not - it is our wake-up call!

The rhythm is catchy and jolly and inspires us to get up and start the day. We immediately have our “eyes lit” with Crimewave by Crystal Castles featuring first-morning tea and going through your e-mails. It takes a harsh sound to go through all of your questions and orders (and there are many every day), so we do it with Dark Fantasy by Kanye West

Until that point of the day, the sun is up in the sky, high noon, and we are halfway through your orders with The Greatest Love of All by Whitney Houston and Gypsy Woman by Crystal Waters.

It’s way past noon, and we need some extra energy. We’ll go for Immaterial by Sophie.

When we feel a boost of creative energy, we “Run Like Hell” with Pink Floyd into our worlds of creativity and creation.

This time lasts, so we add some more tunes - some classic, some contemporary - to it: Ain’t Nobody by Rufus & Chaka Khan, Criticize by Alexander O’Neal, Luvvbazaar by Ssion, and Nightcall by Kavinsky.

As the end of the day approaches, we tend to go for more mood and instrumental sound: Love Theme by Vangelis and Anoche by Arca.

At the end of the day, we should probably feel tiresome, but our energy is still high. As we complete our final deliveries, we dive into the night with the sounds of In Alto Mare by Loredana Berte, Get Your Own Way by Fleetwood Mac, and Just Can’t Get Enough by Depeche Mode, and (finally) Sunday Morning by The Velvet Underground.

Happy to share it with you!

Your Q & Co team

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